Specifying delivered files’ names

You can change the name of files when they are delivered, for example based on their delivery format, using the following variables (with the {{ and }} braces) :

{{basename}}The original filename, without its file format extension (1)
{{seq}}The file’s sequence number within the delivery
{{width}}The width of the delivered file
{{height}}The height of the delivered file
{{created.year}}The year in the file’s shooting date (2)
{{created.month}}The month in the file’s shooting date (2)
{{created.day}}The day in the file’s shooting date (2)
{{created.hour}}The hour in the file’s shooting time (2)
{{created.min}}The minutes in the file’s shooting time (2)
{{created.sec}}The seconds in the file’s shooting time (2)
{{updated.year}}The year in the file’s last update date (3)
{{updated.month}}The month in the file’s last update date (3)
{{updated.day}}The day in the file’s last update date (3)
{{updated.hour}}The hour in the file’s last update time.
{{updated.min}}The minutes in the file’s last update time (3)
{{updated.sec}}The seconds in the file’s last update time (3)

(1) Special characters are replaced by an underscore.

(2) If the shooting date/time is unknown, the upload date/time is used.

(3) The last update date/time changes for example every time the file’s metadata is changed in your admin space, or when it is replaced.


The variables can be mixed as you wish. Here are a few simple examples:

  • To denote that a file is low-res: {{basename}}-lowres
  • To add the delivered size to filenames: {{basename}}-{{width}}x{{height}}
  • To replace the original filename by a client or project’s name with a sequence number: PROJECT_X-{{seq}}. We don’t recommend you remove the basename if there is a chance the client might ask for a different edit or format, as it will make it much more difficult for you to identify the file on your end, especially if you don’t include the shooting date/time.

Do not include a file extension (.jpg, .tif, .mp4, etc…), it is automatically added based on the format delivered.