What happens when a client orders digital images or video clips?
- After the client enters his address in the checkout flow, a new order is recorded in the database, and you are notified by email.
- If you have enabled manual validation for all orders, the client is notified that the order will be processed offline and that you will get back to him.
- Otherwise, the client is directed to the payment page: if you have enabled card payment, there will be a “secure payment” button on the page that will take the client to the payment processor. If you have not configured a card payment processor, no payment button will be displayed, only your payment instructions (or a default “contact us” text if you have not specified instructions either).
- When the order for a license is paid (by the client via card, or if you click on Mark as paid on the order page in case of off-line payment), the image is automatically delivered to the client. You can also force the delivery of the digital files even if no payment has been made.
See also
How are digital images/videos delivered? ›Defining delivery format of images and videos ›
Specifying delivered files’ names ›
Selling a gallery as individual images, or as a single product ›
Customizing Download / Royalty-Free price lists ›
Customizing Rights-Managed profiles ›
Limits on large downloads ›
Galleries for professional clients ›
Galleries for private customers ›
Discount coupons ›
How do custom quotations work? ›
Allowing clients to add information to an order ›
Exporting orders for statistics, reporting or accounting ›
What is a pricing profile? ›
Creating a first pricing profile ›
Setting up a multi-photographer agency or a creative agency ›
Sending a selection to clients ›
Accepting other forms of payment ›
Integrating with Card Payment Providers ›
What is a cart? ›
Customizing a partner lab’s catalog ›
Showing products sizes that don’t match image ratios ›
Private galleries and free downloads authorizations ›
What is a shipping profile? ›
How do custom shipping profiles work? ›
Step-by-step shipping setup ›
Prints fulfillment via your local lab ›
Selling prints via a partner lab (with video tutorial) ›
Shipping options for partner lab fulfillment ›