Charging sales taxes

If your business is subject to sales tax, Tax Profiles help you collect taxes and comply with your obligations. Tax profiles can be found under My business / E-commerce / Taxes.

Tax profiles allow you to collect sales taxes based on the customer’s country or state. We offer templates for common cases, but please note that you must make sure to adjust the templates for your particular situation.

Please always check with your tax office or accountant what your tax obligations are, and verify / test on your website that your tax setup is correct.

You can create several tax profiles: different products might have different tax rules, and shipping might also have a different tax rate, so you can create different tax profiles for different cases.

For a tax profile to apply, it must be attached to the pricing profile it refers to. A pricing profile can only have one tax profile attached, so make sure that all products in a pricing profile are subject to the same tax rules.

Similarly, a tax profile should also be attached to your shipping profiles if the shipping is subject to tax.

Taxes are automatically added to a customer’s cart based on their location, and the are shown in the invoices issued to the customers, when they are enabled.