Your website’s currency
You can change your website currency under My business / E-commerce / Currency.
Your website supports a single currency, but you can also display prices in alternative currencies for international customers via the pricing profiles’s settings. The currency rates are automatically updated on a daily basis.
See also
Charging sales taxes ›How do custom quotations work? ›
Allowing clients to add information to an order ›
Customizing Rights-Managed profiles ›
Customizing Download / Royalty-Free price lists ›
Creating a first pricing profile ›
What is a pricing profile? ›
Exporting orders for statistics, reporting or accounting ›
Canceling an order ›
Setting up a multi-photographer agency or a creative agency ›
Automatic quantity discounts ›
Creating a custom product page optimized for sales ›
Selling a gallery as individual images, or as a whole ›
Specifying delivered files’ names ›
Defining delivery format of images and videos ›
How are digital images/videos delivered? ›
Discount coupons ›
Accepting other forms of payment ›
Integrating with Card Payment Providers ›
What is a cart? ›
What happens when a client orders digital images or video clips? ›
Selling prints via a partner lab (with video tutorial) ›
Prints fulfillment via your local lab ›
Step-by-step shipping setup ›
How do custom shipping profiles work? ›
What is a shipping profile? ›
Showing products sizes that don’t match image ratios ›
Customizing a partner lab’s catalog ›
Shipping options for partner lab fulfillment ›
Galleries for private customers ›
Galleries for professional clients ›