Allowing comments and ratings

Comments and star ratings are a great way to interact with clients on a private gallery.


To prevent Spam comments if you allow commenting on a public gallery, it is highly recommended you do not allow anonymous commenting, and preferably you require commentators to have an account.

To delete comments on your website, log onto your website with the same credentials you use to access your PhotoDeck admin space. Open the page with the comment to remove: you will notice a Delete button next to the comments.

Star ratings

For a full proofing experience on your website: client ratings are useful to help a client make a selection in multiple passes.

They also allow the client to filter a gallery on your website, and then to add filtered files to a selection, to download them, and even to add them at once to the purchase cart (if that feature is also activated for the gallery).

Client ratings are independent from your own file ratings, defined in your PhotoDeck administration space or as part of your workflow prior to upload, for example in Lightroom.

In your PhotoDeck admin space, you can also view the client ratings and filter the galleries’ view based on client ratings.

The last rating on an image or video overrides the previous one, so it is usually not a good idea to allow ratings on public galleries.