Moving a gallery
To re-order galleries, drag-and-drop their cover thumbnails to their new position (My images & videos panel).
Galleries can be nested within each-other without limitation. To move a gallery under a new “parent gallery”, drag-drop its cover thumbnail to their new parent in the left-hand side column.
Alternatively, open the Name and main settings dialog for that gallery, and type the name of the new “parent gallery” under the This gallery goes under section.
See also
What is a Gallery? ›Gallery Presets and default settings for new galleries ›
How should I organize my galleries? ›
Images order within a gallery ›
Storage space and quota ›
Display Styles: controlling how images are displayed ›
Hiding a gallery ›
Allowing comments and ratings ›
Creating a blog on PhotoDeck ›
Selling a gallery as individual images, or as a single product ›
Adding a link, gallery or page in the menu navigation ›
Custom slideshows as banners and page backgrounds ›
Private galleries and free downloads authorizations ›