Hiding a gallery
The Hide gallery option in a gallery’s Authorizations panel removes the gallery from the thumbnail navigation. A hidden gallery is therefore not be visible anymore in the gallery index (or as a sub-gallery of its parent).
Note that if you include a hidden gallery to the navigation menu, it will in effect become visible to casual visitors, regardless of this setting.
The Include images in public search option lets you control whether to include a gallery’s content in the public search on your website and on search engines (e.g. Google). (Search within the hidden gallery will always be possible).
See also
Private galleries and free downloads authorizations ›Adding and managing team members ›
How do client accounts work? ›
Galleries for professional clients ›
Galleries for private customers ›
Creating and using multiple media libraries ›
Images order within a gallery ›
Moving a gallery ›
How should I organize my galleries? ›
Gallery Presets and default settings for new galleries ›
What is a Gallery? ›
Gallery Display Styles: controlling how images are displayed ›
Comments and star ratings ›
Creating a blog on PhotoDeck ›
Storage space and quota ›
Selling a gallery as individual images, or as a whole ›
Adding a link, gallery or page in the menu navigation ›
Custom slideshows as banners and page backgrounds ›